Knit Infinity Scarf using Old Shale Stitch

old shale stitch infinity shawl

This is my first knitting project. I learnt knit, purl, knit 2 tog and yarn over while making it. It can seem tough for beginners, but I assure you that you will get the hang of it pretty easily. However, this beautiful scarf requires mindfulness while making it.


Do old shale stitch with one color 10 times ( 40 rows ) . Followed by one repetion of old shale stitch(4 rows) in a complementary color. Repeat till desired length is available. Don’t cast off. Pick up stitches from the cast on end. Join the two ends using kitchener stitch to get an invisible join.

Old shale stitch

Old shale stitch pattern sample

Cast on a multiple of 18 stitches giving 6 holes per repeat. 

row 1 knit

row 2 knit (ie purl bumps on the right side)

row 3 *k2tog three times, [yo, k1] six times, k2tog three times.  Repeat from * as required

row 4 purl

Old shale stitch chart

Kitchener stitch

1. Insert the yarn needle as if to purl in the first stitch of the front needle. Pull the yarn through, leaving the stitch on the needle.

2. Insert the yarn needle as if to knit into the first stitch of the back needle. Pull the yarn through, leaving the stitch on the needle.

3. Insert the yarn needle as if to knit in the first stitch of the front needle (the same stitch as before) and slide this stitch off the needle. Insert the yarn needle into the next stitch on the front needle as if to purl, but leave the stitch on the needle.

4. Insert the yarn needle as if to purl in the next stitch on the back needle, and slide this stitch off the needle. Insert the yarn needle in next stitch on back needle as if to knit. Pull the yarn through, but leave this stitch on the needle.

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